Goggles Over Glasses

My mother had been looking for her reading glasses for a while. She purchased them from Walmart. They were readers, you know the pre-prescribed kind .15, 2.0, etc. She lives in a 700 square foot home and has a grand penchant for the talent of a seasoned hoarder. I can see how easy it can be to misplace something there. As well being 76 and just coming off of anesthesia from cataract surgery, her memory might still be impaired a bit. 

She was given a new eyeglass prescription from the Cataract Doctor after her last follow up visit in January, but had not until early March got the Rx filled. Her new glasses are lovely. They are purple framed and bi-focal. She looks cute in them.

I called her Monday to check in with her. The call was on Duo. She answered the phone luckily for me. She was heading to the rear of the property to do some work. On the cell screen I see she has goggles over her new glasses. She also showed me that she was wearing the construction gloves I gave her on my last visit. She had on a pink hat that ladies would wear to the beach. She had a pole saw in hand. She said she got it from the pawn shop a few years back and it does good work.

She informed me that she was going to cut the trail off of two squirrels that had fashioned some arial path to her pecan tree. She had a set of pruning shears in tow as well. Seeing she was well busy and on a mission, I wished her well. She said she would call me back on Duo to show me her handy work. I haven't hear from her since. It has been three days. I hope the squirrels didn't get the best of her, or the saw or the shears or the spiders, snakes or uneven ground.


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