When the Storm Breaks

Almost over! Yes, this storm faces the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Literal light. Sun light. 

High light. Weather day highs and clear weather nights. 

As bleak as it is the days to come will be brighter. 

The days to come will bring budding tress, blooming flowers, and growing green blades of St. Augustine.

The slow slush of ice and melting snow makes way for increased speeds.

Cars will once again elbow one another jockeying for position for the two block stretch between green lights too soon turning yellow flights.

Once again noises can careen from the event center across the street.

Those echoed voices from the block will be less amplified for the deaden void is alive.

Where problems rose to evident themselves returns absentminded dithering and mindless progress unfocused on the threat just ahead.

No one will think as much as they thought the week before. No one will be so presently cognizant.

But somehow they and we will be alright.

It's gone be alright.


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