Good Morning, Beautiful!

Trying times! Times are trying for a few people. I share your frustration. I share your anger. I share your befuddlement. I share your grief. I share your lack of understanding. I share your confusion. I know what it's like to be stumped. I share your desire to check out. I share your need to give up. I share your need to check out. I share your desire to live inside your head. I share the need to bury yourself in your bed. I share your need to take a long walk, a long shower, a long nap. I share your thoughts about lighting up, tipping that bottle, or taking that pill. I know what it's like Ms. Celie!!!!

Just spoke with my adorable younger cousin who is in the middle of all sorts of drama... husband, in-laws, parents, siblings, teen children, tween children, and life on top of life on top of life. I asked her if her support system is holding up for her in Virginia? She said it is, but she is still exhausted and overwhelmed. I asked her if it was ok for her to feel the way she felt. She knows it is ok. I told her I had just wrapped up 48 hours of self pity and made it through to the other side just this morning when she sent a text telling me good morning at 7am. I sent one back immediately saying, good morning, beautiful! This is what my cousin says to her 13 year old daughter. I use it all the time with my sister now.

Good morning, beautiful!!! Use it on someone you love. My cousin told me while we were chatting on the phone that when she read my text reply, she smiled. She said she got "Good morning, Beautiful!" from a friend of hers who says it to her daughter. It can be these little gifts that help to keep us going! I am so glad we got to talk today!

Good morning, beautiful.


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