Mildly Inebriated

My friend David Hill aka Dugan or Doobie... Dugan was about 2 years younger than I was when I was in grad school in Iowa City. I had just turned 22 and he was going on 20 when we met. He was from Ft. Madison, Iowa. He would tell me how his mother complained and scolded him if his hair grew near the top of his ears. He probably didn't need to be in college, but he surely didn't need to be the only son of this mother. He never spoke of his father.

We would sit on the porch that divided his side of the duplex from my side. Two other white guys lived on his side with him, Chad and Tom. We talked about race, class and gender. He was skinny (svelte) is what I like to think of him because with all his unsophistication, I found him quite sophisticated in a lost soul charming way.

He would toke on his bong all summer long. I would have my gin and orange juice in hand sipping while we solved the world's divided problems. I enjoyed our chats. Porch drinking was way better than bar drinking. Pot smoking wasn't legal in bars in Iowa, just Amsterdam, Holland.

I looked him up last Summer to see if he were alright since the covid-19 outbreak, and the recent derecho storm brought him back to my memory. During our phone call he caught me up with his life. He still stays mildly inebriated. He is taking care of his mother and his sister. 

He confessed he should have taken a shot at a physical tryst and that was a regret of his. I just responded with, "you don't say..." He sent me a text of Rodney Carrington's video: "Show Them To Me." He thought I'd get a kick out of it. I didn't.

Dugan is a very witty and charming fella! I will always love him, though as a friend.

I stayed mildly inebriated 

All Summer Long



All Summer Long

Money can't buy education 

conscious or God

Inanimate objects created 

get far more love

But we can still fly

We can still run

Stock pile your guns

The War's never won

I can never be your brother, sister or friend

Fear's too deep

rooted insecure's kin

And ain't it a shame when

conspiracy games stake mines/minds

like gold claims

break bonds like gold chains

cut off from birth pains

dried in like old stains

That's why I...

I stayed mildly inebriated 

All Summer Long



All Summer Long

I stayed mildly inebriated 

All Summer Long



All Summer Long

Don't tell me to stop

stopping never gon' mean quit

Step back off me or come take a hit

sip on this swig on that don't matter cuz

right now the storm is blowing by in the distance

and we are on this porch-- and we missed it

I stayed mildly inebriated 

All Summer Long



All Summer Long


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