Dreaming of A Rat

11pm is when I went to bed. I woke up at 1am. This is common since I stopped taking a sleep aid. I get back to sleep and dream that a fat rat is running from my rear laundry area into my kitchen. I want to take a bow and arrow and pierce it in the gut. I don't have a bow and arrow, though.

Of course dreams with fat rats are not common for me, so I am on the spiritual look out. Who wants to be bother with a rat. I know I don't. But in life there will be rats who enter. It is inconvenient. It is a headache. It is a pain in the rear. But it happens. At least I got a warning.

Hopefully I am not back writing in a few days or a few weeks about the rat encounter in the physical realm. I am hopeful it was the turkey chili and cheese with corn chips I ate at 10:45pm that conjured this dream up.


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