60 Days

It is said that it takes 28 days to form a new habit. You can't believe everything someone tells you. I can say that after writing for 60 days straight, it is not a habit. I may be in the habit of thinking about writing, but it is not daily and for certain it is not a habit.

Some days I have to remember to do this. Other days I have to force myself to do this. Right now is a day when it is fine that I write. I am OK with it.

I have broken a many of habits. I quit smoking in my early 30's. Actually the cigarettes were taken from me through delivery by the Holy Spirit. I can't lie about that. I quit smoking dope. I quit smoking cloves. I quit smoking Bidis. I quit drinking brandy. I quit eating almonds and pistachios because they made my chest and heart reel with pain to point that I could not breathe well. They went the way of mother's milk and teething rings, and diapers;- though, diapers are back on the horizon as age and gravity do there thing with bladders and sphincters.

I had a habit of waking up daily and exercising. That lasted until I was about 26. I wish I had that habit back. I was like clock work. It was a ritual I did automatically. I am in the habit of drinking water daily. This is a good thing. Bottled water as a result of the pandemic has birthed this habit. I have never been in the habit of wearing make up. I do like perfume and am in the habit of wearing essential oils and musks as well.

28 days is an admirable goal I guess, if one can trick themselves into getting those days in. It took far longer than 28 days for me to learn the guitar. It sure enough is taking more that 28 days to even learn how to play with two hands on the piano.

Ultimately, I will challenge myself to rise in the morning and simply ask for my daily bread, daily. If it is mine and for me, I will take that simple day and run with it. That is a habit I want and hopefully a hard habit to break.


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