Opening Twisted Whirl

Int: Middle aged woman driving a large truck with windows down and head phones slightly on is yell at children in the car. One teen has a cellphone trying to get his mother's attention. The other two are fighting. In the back seat the boy punches the girl. The girl punches the boy.


Miles! Miles! I'm driving. Put that... get away... boy...


But mommy look!


(She says through her teeth)

I'm driving! 

Woman (Cont'd)

You two, stop! You know what... I'm pulling over... Get out the car! Get out! Get!

Ext: Park. Children dart away from the car. The woman tries to gain her composure.


(Yells to his siblings)

Mommy said stop!

(Woman sits next to disheveled woman on the bench.)


They don't listen!

(Bench Woman nods and leans back)

(Woman has on overalls and sits legs apart. She puts her headphones back on)

Ext: Man sits across the way on a bench watching children play. His gaze becomes strange as he seems entranced on the children.

Ext: Camera Tracks by Woman in coffee shop window. Cut to Int: Woman checks her phone and places it down next to a cup of coffee that sits on a napkin. She looks out the window. She stares and goes blank. She turns forward on pushes her glasses up a little further on her face. She reaches in her purse and unwraps a piece of candy and places it in her mouth. She reaches back in her purse and brings out a three dollars and places it on the table.

She looks back out the window just as a man passes. Her eyes follow him out of view.

Ext: Man wearing a long coat walks down sidewalk mid-morning. He passes a coffeeshop.

Int: Woman at coffee shop.


How'd you like your coffee?


(Takes a sigh)

I ordered it black.


I'm sorry.... I could have...


No worries.

(Woman stands up from seat but her image is still seated as she speaks)

(News blares in the background: The Highest Ranking member of the House was shot dead today...)

EXT: As the woman walks out a man drops dead in front of her. Another man runs into a post and is dead on impact.

INT: Two men in an open office area are talking. It is cajole and light. They shake hands and part ways. We follow one of the men into a bathroom. He uses the restroom and then the urinal. He wets his hands and shakes them dry.


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