Good day

Daily Commitments are easy and hard. They are easy in that what is asked is not typically difficult to accomplish. If you just show up to the day and the task, it is most likely that something will come of it. It is hard because there is something within mankind that is hell bent on rebellion. 

Rebellion is: The action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention.

Resisting is: Trying to prevent by action or argument.

Process is: A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

But what exactly, or better yet who exactly, are these authorities? What is this control? Where are these conventions and who is hosting them?

Is resistance futile? Is resistance fertile? Why is resistance not obsolete? Can we understand that resistance cuts both ways? Resistance is as necessary as our inhale is to our exhale...

How do we get to the point where we are the surreptitious orchestrators of our own killing, stealing and destroying? How can we get to where we are the birthing, giving and building of our TODAY!!?

Daily commitments can be written down. They can be posted up with sticky notes. They can be notifications that chime from your phone. They could be a message sent from a friend via text or email of phone call. They can rise up upon you with a force of urgency that only urgency can conjure. They are reminders to do this or to get that done, "TODAY."

All we ever have is TODAY. We cannot and do not possess tomorrows at all. We cannot and will never be God's of yesterdays. So, why is it so difficult to deal with the now? Why is it so difficult and why do so many wrestle with Today? It can be an awkward dance or a muckraker. It can be a dizzying tryst with an unwanted lover. It can be a blind stroll to a ditch. It can be a trap or a delightful surprise. It can be TODAY!

To whom do we owe? To whom are we indebted? What force is it that requires anything from ourselves that we make lists, or promises, or declarations? What force is it that requires nothing of us at all. Is it gravity or inertia. Is it centrifugal? Is it centripetal? Or is it nothing at all? Is it divine or is it predestined? 

I write this as I am thinking to myself, "Why am I writing today? Why, when I woke did a voice say to me to give this up? You have done enough? Find something else to do with your time. Or better yet, do whatever the day allows and brings to you. Follow your appetite. Soothe your discomfort with purchases. Mow the lawn and do something that accomplishes something tangible that others can see today."

But today I sit. Today I write. Today I type on this keyboard and let loose these words that are gifts to this day. This is the only day I have to write these words, these thoughts, these tensions that I type. 

Have a good day whatever day it is you are having right now as you read this. It is your today and yours only. The grass I mow today will grow long again and be in need or mowing soon. The clothes I purchase today will wear out and need replacing soon. 

Whatever comes today is fleeting. But these words are fixed in the creation of today's creation, and I am glad to give them up to Today. Etched in this elaborate web of interlinks and intra-time I am glad.

Good day.


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