Let It Ring - Black History Waco Poetry

And those tiny black and pink flecks
littering a tiny desk
finding places on pint sized blue jeans
and upon earth colored carpeted floors
are they signs of starting over
of beginning anew
of dusting one's self off

oft times we forget that the past
comes trailing along
like the distinct smell of childhood
the remembrance of what it felt like to be
wide open and naive to the world
and the self and the other
continuations drawn out like hieroglyphics

and the lights were off because now we know
that the glow is as a horizon of heavy breathing and hope
the shoulders have fallen in relief
though the levee still is breached
and angels wail while others writhe
and love has pulled and tugged the tide
with lunar essence undefined

The gathering throngs of humanness
the swelling pride of hubris
the shackled minds of betrayed faith
and God is full yet of all grace
the turns and twists and storied plight
the bold new day a nation's blight
in one grand glorious vote of might we're staid

From one there are many reaffirmed
from one there are many scorned and burned
as history has a song of joy she sings of pain
let not it go that we no less shall suffer
each and every test, no not one shall be exclude
the strain; it is the people's time
let it ring; from every voice in time let it ring


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