Nihilism and Faith: Watching Youtube Video

At one point in my life I fashioned myself interested in Philosophy. I tended to lean toward Existentialism and Post-Structuralism with a dash of residual El Hajj Mailk Shabazz mixed with some W.E.B. Du Bois, but I got passed that. Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated and is often associated with pessimism and radical skepticism that condemns existence... (and thus condemns itself-added by me). Granted there is literature that puts nihilism in two categories: Passive and Active. Read more for yourself. To make this short,- Belief and Faith are at a cross roads and one can be denied allowing the other to dominate one's life. I can believe that something is something without giving myself to it. I can have faith that something is something surrendering to the possibility that the outcome doesn't matter as long as I am at peace and rested in the fact that I have acceptance, on a level, that Belief in and of itself, can not fathom. I can believe a chair will hold my weight. I can sit in it. If it holds my weight, I forget about the belief and move on without much fanfair. If I come crashing down to the floor as a result of the chair's failure, my response to that event is untimately what will inform one if the event was belief or faith. If it's faith and you are strong in faith, you might move to "all things happen for a reason." You might even try to repair the chair or inform someone else of the faultiness of it. If one were a Nihilism fan, one might become further entrenced in the futility of existence because existence is a reminder of forces beyond one's control. And oh how important it is to some "ONES" that they not face what we all must in this or that reality... things break; it is not personal; life is not reduced to being about you and you only. Un"god"ly amounts of beings and creatures and gases and lights have, are, and will be passing though. We are in the body not the body. We are in the ocean but not the ocean. We are in life but not life. Selah~ Just some random thoughts.


  1. All this to say... be responds-able and take response-ability. You have an ability to respond (master it)


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