My Tweezers

My tweezers are missing. I am not the one directly responsible for the tweezers being missing. Though often I will hold myself totally responsible for household disasters because I believe that I can and could have overcome any future disaster if I plan for any and all future disasters before they happen. I have that ability, that power, that super power if you will. Like knowing to put my trash can in a closet if a guest brings their dog over. Or, putting up my musical instruments if I expect children over.

I observe the behaviors of people and try to pin down their propensities. I study their choices and their shortcomings, the insecurities and those words they like to hear that bring smiles and laughter. I look into their beings as best I can trying to discern how to keep them from disturbing me and my peace of mind. I engage in an intimacy that others are scant aware of, but are the fortunate ones to receive the gift of. I pay attention. I have the skill of attentiveness, care and concern. Is anyone ever truly listening? Does anyone ever really care?

If you are in my house it is imperative that you limit yourself to actions that refrain from causing harm to yourself or others. However, since the vast majority of people don't know what other people are thinking or what may cause others harm, I vet. I plan. I adjust. I move things. I shut doors. I go behind. I fix.

Vetting can only take you so far when family is the focus of your vetting. You can know everything you need to know... who will be on time; who will want to use my bathroom and not the guest bathroom; who will leave water droplets on the kitchen faucet? Which person is capable of leaving the door (front or back) wide open when they are taking or bringing their items in... letting in all the crane flies and mosquitoes because that's what they do at their houses.

So when a family member decides to take my mother into my bedroom and lay her down on my bed to graciously tweeze all the chin hairs off my mother's face, this is the time when I should have realized that my tweezers would never be found again. You know I kept them on my sink counter near my lotion and hand soap. That is where they lived. I have a mirror that is magnified that extends and retracts mounted next to my bathroom mirror. I use it to see up close and personal those items I would like to tweeze. Since mother's day, I have not had this pleasure.

Those tweezers cost $14.00.

Today I traveled to Target to look for tweezers. I went to Sally's first, but Sally's didn't open for another 10 minutes. I found some tweezers at next door at Target that were as much as $24.00 and as inexpensive as .89 cents. I chose not to purchase the more expensive tweezers. I got the .89 cents tweezers. Looking into the soul of that experience of losing my beloved tweezers, I just couldn't bring myself to go through that again. These cheap ones should be safe. Who wants .89 cent tweezers? Something tells me, "You'd be surprised."


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